February 8, 2011

Kid's Playspace, Classes & Fashion

See Hilary Kennedy's Weekly Fashion Update for the latest on fun for kids in Dallas! With its "part boutique, part classes and programs, part cafe, part salon, part playspace" format, Charmaine and Amy are guaranteed to have a hit on their hands! Visit them today at Preston Royal Village (6025 Royal Lane), Dallas, TX 75230 or call 214-378-7777.  And let me know what you think of their adorable play village!

Update: see this great video blog of all there is to do and see at Kidville Dallas. 

February 2, 2011

Hello Dallas! Kidville has arrived!


The city of Dallas is really on a roll! 

First, they are hosting the Super Bowl this Sunday (and yes, our beloved Pittsburgh Steelers are looking for #7!) and then they get really lucky and welcome this adorable new play village at Kidville Dallas! Parents rejoice!

Even before the shelves are stocked, you can tell this retro Market is going to be a blast for the kids! Can't you just see them: little ones pushing around their pint-sized grocery carts, loading them with eggs and bananas and cereal?!

And how about this adorable Beauty Boutique?  Personally, I'd be torn between playing dress-up (then strutting out on that cool runway!) and sitting in the child-sized beauty chair for a day of pampering!! Decisions, decisions.

And always the ones who love to incorporate some local flair, check out the McKinney Avenue Trolley:
There's a fun slide for inside (not pictured) along with steering wheel and bell to ring! Now that's traveling in style.

Folks, keep your eye on Kidville Dallas...this place is going to be a haven for parents and offer some serious fun for the kids! 

(Read what the Preston Hollow People newspaper had to say about the latest addition to the neighborhood!)